The Campus of Hope Community Support Campaign
The Campus of Hope will take TGI’s holistic service model one-step further by allowing us to offer affordable housing, emergency housing, health care and a greater array of support services in a single location. The Campus of Hope will occupy 16 acres and is located directly across the Santucci Justice Center in the Sunset Industrial Area of un-incorporated Placer County. The Campus of Hope’s innovative building design and landscaping will result in an inspiring campus that promotes community, accountability, support, and hope for those on their pathway out of homelessness.
Act now and sign our petition.
The Campaign is urgent! We need your signature of support to show the Placer County Board of Supervisors that our community supports The Gathering Inn leasing the land where we will build the Campus of Hope.
I am signing this letter from The Gathering Inn to express my support for the Campus of Hope project located at 4242 Cincinnati Ave in the unincorporated Sunset Industrial Park area.
Our Supporters

The Completed campus will provide:
- 240 micro-units of extremely low-income affordable housing for families, seniors, veterans, and individuals.
- A Development Center providing an array of support services designed to encourage and equip residents with structured programs with a focus on healthy living, on-going recovery, and employment.
- 200 emergency housing beds designed to move chronically homeless individuals on a Pathway out of homelessness in a safe, clean & sober environment.
- 50 low-demand emergency housing beds offered toward those law enforcement outreach team encounters as they enforce the no-camping” ordinance.
- A Restoration Center offering a powerhouse of resources and services that guide families and individuals towards addressing their root cause of homelessness. The Center will offer behavioral health care, medical care, addiction recovery, life skills and more.

Why the Campus of Hope?
Offering TGI’s comprehensive services on one location will reduce homelessness by 80% in the communities within Placer County and move families and individuals from homeless to independence.
- Affordable and Emergency housing are the platforms for services, such as behavioral health, addiction recovery, and life skills that create opportunities for life-long success.
- The need for affordable housing has never been greater in our community. The Campus of Hope provides much needed extremely low-income housing while not infringing on any city.
- Combining medical care and housing dramatically improves the health and well-being of vulnerable seniors and chronically homeless individuals.
- The Campus of Hope will save our community an estimated $13.7 million dollars a year.

Why now?
By creating a single site location TGI can simultaneously address the most critical issues that families and individuals who are homeless face and guide them toward achieving lasting stability and independence
- 744 men, women and children in our community live in homelessness. Approximately 29% of them are elderly and veterans.
- TGI can utilize “one-time” and “time-limited” State funding to build the Campus of Hope.
- TGI’s Nomadic Shelter is under strain due to the lack of volunteer churches and since COVID-19.
The Challenge

54% unsheltered + homeless.
Of Placer County’s 600 individuals that are homeless, 404 are unsheltered.

19% are families.
There are currently 47 families that are homeless in Placer County.

29% elderly + Veteran.
There are 114 age 60+ seniors and 71 veterans who are homeless in our community.

The Campus of Hope, located in the Sunset Industrial Area of unincorporated Placer County, will cost $40 million
- TGI will lease the land from Placer County.
- Construction funding comes from Federal and State grants, gifts and pledges.

“I came to TGI when I was truly at my rock bottom. Their staff and programs met me where I was at,and helped me to reclaim my life! I now have reconnected with my family, am taking care of my health needs, and living as an active member of my community! If it wasn’t for TGI and their commitment to empower me to be the best version of myself, I would likely still be on the streets.”